Buddhist philosophy focuses on some of the most difficult questions in philosophy – what is the "self"? What is the self's relationship to consciousness? Are there meaningful boundaries in the univ...
Is the Trump phenomenon reactionary? Is it a cultural movement? What do conservatives think about Trump?
I'm joined by the distinguished Dr. Harvey Mansfield, who has been teaching political phi...
I have basic questions about Christian theology – What is God? Who is Jesus? What's the connection between humans and God? What does it mean to be "saved"? Does Christianity imply dualism?
To fi...
It's no secret that I'm a curmudgeon. My rule of thumb is that "everybody is wrong about everything all the time." However, this extreme skepticism might be a methodological mistake. To challenge m...
The world of ideas is moving past academia. We're in the midst of it. More and more people are realizing that the "experts" aren't as knowledgeable as they've been told – and that formal credential...
Is the brain a computer? Do machines calculate the same way humans do? Can artificial intelligence ever be conscious?
What does it even mean to be "intelligent"?
To help me answer these quest...