New Book about Bitcoin!

As many of you know, I’ve been working on a new book about Bitcoin for the last few years, and it’s finally ready! It is a collaboration with Roger Ver (aka “Bitcoin Jesus”), and we tell the story of how BTC was slowly hijacked over a period of several years.

“This is the book that had to be written. It is a story of a missed opportunity to change the world, a tragic tale of subversion and betrayal.”
-Jeffrey Tucker, Brownstone Institute

Have you noticed that the financial establishment is now favorable towards Bitcoin? There’s a reason: it was successfully sabotaged and longer threatens their power.
Hijacking Bitcoin: The Hidden History of BTC

This story has been heavily censored for years, so newcomers will find the history shocking. Information manipulators and social media engineers have successfully silenced dissent about Bitcoin; they character assassinate anybody who shares this perspective. But much to their dismay, this book is finally here, and it’s going to blow open a story they would like to keep hidden.

For idealistic Bitcoiners like myself and Roger, it’s a heartbreaking story, but one that had to be told.

It’s not some kooky conspiracy theory, either. There are over 280 references in the book. Prepare to have your faith in Bitcoin shaken.

The book is now available for pre-order on Amazon. Release date is April 5th. Go get your copy!