Six Months of Writing; Support Through Patreon

Six months ago, my wife and I made a crazy decision: we decided I would essentially quit my job and start writing. If it didn’t work out, then I was going to return to video production, but if it looked promising, then we’d think about continuing this project.

Well, I’m happy to share that it’s worked out well so far. I’ve written a book, published some very successful articles, and been interviewed several times. In other words, one of the biggest variables for a writer – whether or not there is an audience for your work – has been confirmed. So, I’ve taken the next step and set up a Patreon page.


If you aren’t familiar with Patreon, it’s a website which allows micro-donations to help support content creators. You can pledge a couple of bucks a month to show support for the work I’m producing, which I’ve lovingly entitled “Philosophy That Doesn’t Suck”.

If my work has created value for you, I take that as a deep compliment. And if you want to return the favor, please do consider becoming a patron. I’ve got a massive amount of content that’s waiting in the wings, ready to be written (including a brand new, juicy project called “In Defense of Heresy”), that I am quite excited about.

Thank you all for supporting my work.